Tuesday 8 October 2013

5. Implementation and further direction

Perhaps it would be prudent at this stage to take a step back and appreciate where the research has taken me. While steps in this journey may be somewhat convoluted, and for some steps currently undocumented, it has all been leading to a development in my understand of architecture. By starting with Tadao Ando, and attempting to understand the man and his architecture, I have been able to pinpoint certain fundamental strengths in parts of his methodology. Whilst it is an imperative for me to develop my own unique architectural language, it makes sense to take lessons from the best.

Phenomenology, and its philosophy, is something that I feel I have barely pierced the surface of. This being said, it is definitely a tool I feel could be utilised in the future. It is perhaps one that does need to be utilised. 

I think Ando highlights my concerns in the video below.

"I believe that architecture is fundamentally a public space, where people can gather and communicate, think about the history, think about the human beings, or the world. I believe in architecture creating a space like that. All architecture has a public nature."

Understanding architecture from the perspective of the viewer is perhaps something that has found less importance in modern architecture. Architecture is perhaps becoming more focused on the form of a building, rather than the people that inhabit that building. If anything, this is one of the best insights to take from this research process. With this in mind, perhaps my future processes can start to take a closer look at reconnecting people with the architecture that they dwell within.


Rao, A, Japanese Architect, Tadao AndoCNN Talk Asia, 2006 -  viewed 21 September 2013, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruuyudjfUdM>

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